Here there are some more special suggestions:
"Dont't forget to buy a piece of: PANNO DEL CASENTINO!"
In fact just around the corner of the Wool Mill House, Claudio Grisolini, Tessilnova's owner will help you to choose a coat or some wonderful material for a suit made with this ancient cloth. And if you will tell him that you are friends of Simona the neighbor, he will definately give you a discount.
In August go swimming in the river Arno!
If you go trekking in the woods of PARCO DELLE FORESTE CASETINESI and you are very lucky, you could meet the italian woolf. Hope it is not hungry!
Trekking itinerary n° 1
Papiano, Montaldo, Bocca Pecorina, Montelleri, Monte Falterona, Capo d’Arno, Lago degli Idoli, Papiano.
Difference in height:800 mt Time: 6, 30h
Paths and forest tracks, difficulty: 4
We advise you to reach the church of Montalto by car, there you will find a fork in the road ofwhich both roads left and right are barred. Take the barred road to
the left and immediately turn right for the pathway CAI n° 2 that leads up towards Bocca Pecorina (1068 mt). From here take take the pathway to the right, CAI n° 4, which arrives into a beautiful
small fir tree forest where you eill come across a small refuge. Where it becomes grass landa gain take the pathway to the right that will take you to the lawn of Montelleri which is surrounded
by a beautiful beech tree forest. It is over 1550 mt high and from here one can enjoy the wonderful panorama. At the beginning of the grass area there is a deviation signposted for the Lago degli
Idoli and the spring of the Arno from which one can reach Mount Falterona. We advise you however to continue alongside the cliff passing the Ronchifreddi and then take a signposted deviation to
the left fot the peak of Mount Falterona. From here you are able to admire the two sides of the Appenines, that of Romagna and of Tuscany.
From the peak one follows down heading South and following the pathway CAI n°3 until you reach a fork in the road where one should imediately turn right until in the vicinity of a recently opened forest track. Here one turns left for abour 200 mt then at the first sharp turn you follow the road which takes you back into the beech tree forest. Below to the right after only 20 mt you can finally find the springs of the Arno (1358 mt). Proceeding along a pathway that is not always evident you will arrive at Lago degli Idoli that now presents itself as a dry shell invaded with genistas. It was in this place that in the last century estruscan remains of value were discovered. These are now conserved in various museums in Italy and abroad, for example the British Museum in London. Continuing we arrive at the crossroads of Montelleri, where by turning right you can retake the pathway that was taken at the beginning until you reach the little church of Montalto.
Don't forget to go and have a taste of the tipical TORTELLI DI PATATE to the Ristorante Filetto in Piazza Tanucci a Stia
Piazza Bernardo Tanucci, 28 52017 Stia Province of Arezzo, Italy +39 0575 583631 |